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Bridging the Tech Marketing Gap: Making Your Tech Less “Scary” to Business Leaders

More than two-thirds of UK business leaders are afraid to admit when they don’t understand technology because they don’t want to appear out of touch or behind the times. What does this tell you if you’re selling technology to businesses?

It highlights how crucial it is to make your marketing accessible and easy to understand for senior business decision-makers.

Avoiding technical jargon and using everyday business language in your marketing content will help bridge the knowledge gap. But what else can you do?

Lean on B2B influencers

Identify popular B2B technology influencers in your sector and invite them to write guest blogs or participate in events, podcasts or video interviews. Top influencers are often skilled communicators who can explain technical concepts in ways that resonate and are easy to understand.

Use the Q&A article format

When creating content for blogs or articles, consider using a question-and-answer format. It seems simplistic, but this is an effective way of explaining complex topics that’s also perfect for audiences who prefer to skim read.

Milk the exec summary

For long form content like white papers and eBooks, allocate additional time and effort to crafting strong executive summaries or key takeaways that highlight the main points. Time-poor business leaders are most likely to read these sections.

Describe your technology in action

Case studies help to bring your technology to life and explain its benefits in a way that resonates with business decisionmakers. While getting customers to participate can be challenging, the resulting content is relatable, credible, and engaging. 

Tell the story behind your tech

Business audiences engage more with narratives that explore the stories behind your technology. Share the founders’ story, early technology breakthroughs and how you turned technical ideas into commercial products. Highlight the customer needs or problems that inspired the latest features.

Try interactive content

If you can, try to get business executives to attend interactive webinars and demos which allow them to ask questions about your technology. This can help you identify and tackle common knowledge gaps to improve overall understanding.

Use vertical triggers

Business decisionmakers view technology through the lens of their industry. Create personalized content that addresses specific concerns within each sector.


If you’re marketing technology to senior decisionmakers from the business, it’s essential to find ways to make your content clear, engaging and laser-focused on what’s important to that audience.

(Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay)